Internationaler Tag des Kindergartens

Join us on 21st April!

Take part in annual Kindergarten Day by finding and sharing stories, pictures, and impressions of, and about Kindergartens in Germany and around the world. Our aim is to raise the awareness of, and start an exchange about, Kindergartens through hosting a series of events and activities.

National Kindergarten Day has been celebrated on April 21st in parts of the USA for several years now. It is the aim of the initiators and supporters that in the future it will also be celebrated in Germany, where Friedrich Fröbel´s Kindergarten movement originated. We intend to commemorate the lifework of the German educator, Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel (* 21. April 1782; † 21. July 1852) the father of the modern Kindergarten. We want to promote childhood, respect for the quality and values provided by early childhood educators and the social importance of Kindergarten. It is our aim to protect the humanistic idea of the Kindergarten.

In 2020 the concept of the Kindergarten will celebrate its 180th birthday. The Fröbel-Kreis is using this anniversary as an opportunity introduce Kindergarten Day to German soil. We hope that the idea of a Kindergarten Day will become as much a part of Germany and the world as kindergartens already are.


We invite Kindergartens, Kindergarten operators, educators, vocational schools, people in vocational training, clubs and associations, unions, and people involved in science, politics, art, the press and naturally all and every individual to take part.
How did you celebrate Kindergarten Day? Let us know! or on our social media channels  #tagdeskindergartens

We would love to publish your contributions online. Please make this possible by reading the information about photo and video rights.


The action day „Kindergarten day“ is supported by the LEADER Management group in Saalfeld-Rudolstadt and is financially supported by the Volksbank eG Jena•Gera•Rudolstadt and the Neuen Thüringer Fröbelverein e.V. Further financial help has been applied for from  LEADER Aktionsgruppe Saalfeld-Rudolstadt.

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