Annual topic 2019

Fröbel and Modernity

Friedrich Fröbel lived and worked in a time of great social upheaval. With the beginning of the second half of the 19th century, a development began which brought many generally valid norms and laws into question, and created a new world and a concept of humanity that was taken up in the fields of art, architecture, music and literature – the “Outbreak of Modernity”.

Fröbel was an inspiration for the newly-devised concept of childhood education, which had its start at this time under the term “Reform Pedagogy”. With the grounding of a kindergarten teachers’ training school, Fröbel was also seen as a supporter of women’s emancipation.

However, Fröbel was also active in the fields of art and architecture, with the “gifts” he developed considered sources of inspiration. Radical abstraction in painting was up until then a foreign concept, but one that was later enthusiastically embraced by artists and architects. In 1924, Walter Gropius, the former director of the Staatliche Bauhaus Weimar (Bauhaus Art School), published in the magazine “Kindergarten” plans for a Friedrich Fröbel House in Bad Liebenstein.

In 2019, the theme for the Fröbel Decade will focus on Fröbel’s achievements in the context of modernity and the impact of these beyond the boundaries of the movement. With the 200th anniversary of the Staatliche Bauhaus Weimar (grounded in 1919 by Walter Gropius), the 2019 themed year will be dedicated to the impact Fröbel’s philosophy had on art and architecture, especially his “gifts” and the mathematical aspects of his early childhood education concept.


Themenjahr 2022 - Fröbel heute

Fröbels pädagogische Leistung, für damalige Zeiten revolutionär, führte weltweit zu nachhaltigen Aktivitäten und weitreichenden Veränderungen der pädagogischen Praxis. Fröbel zählt damit zu den Klassikern der frühkindlichen Pädagogik und ist heute wieder hochaktuell.

Das Themenjahr 2022 wird Fröbel mit all seinen Facetten – als Freund der Natur, Vater des Kindergartens, Schulmann, als gläubiger und politischer Mensch, Teil der Moderne, Ideengeber für Deutschland und die Welt und Erfinder des Erziehungsberufes – erneut beleuchten. Vor allem aber blicken wir nach vorn und fragen, wo sich die Fröbelsche Philopophie im aktuellen Leben verstetigt hat und wo und wie sie darüber hinaus eine Rolle spielen kann und soll.

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Fröbel Places of Interest

Fröbel Room, Bad Blankenburg
The first General German Kindergarten was founded in the Bad Blankenburg Town Hall in 1840.

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