Annual topic 2016

Fröbel, God and the World

Friedrich Fröbel was the son of a priest and raised in the Evangelical belief. For Fröbel, God’s hand could be seen in nature and in the human entity. From his understanding of Christian responsibility, Fröbel took on his share in the solving of society’s problems.

Fröbel described the development of man as “Lebenseinigung” or the unification of existence – the harmonious wrangling of nature, humanity and God. Divinity could be found in every person and it was the responsibility of each individual to consciously express the divinity within. 

Fröbel developed a special connection with Martin Luther, referring to him as a great “hero of belief”. As Fröbel disliked memorials made from stone or iron, he created a “living memorial” for the 300th anniversary of Luther’s Reformation, bringing two of Luther’s descendants to his school in Keilhau for further education.

Georg Luther went on to study theology while Ernst Luther, a builder, remained true to his teacher throughout his life, later completing Fröbel’s first gravestone to a design by Wilhelm Middendorff, which featured three of the symbols that came to be associated with Fröbel – the sphere, cylinder and cube.

The themed year for 2016 is dedicated to Fröbel as a devout man, philanthropist and as an example for a peaceful co-existence. His concept of “Lebenseinigung” is as much a theme as peace and violence, and the divinity within us and the world.

Themenjahr 2022 - Fröbel heute

Fröbels pädagogische Leistung, für damalige Zeiten revolutionär, führte weltweit zu nachhaltigen Aktivitäten und weitreichenden Veränderungen der pädagogischen Praxis. Fröbel zählt damit zu den Klassikern der frühkindlichen Pädagogik und ist heute wieder hochaktuell.

Das Themenjahr 2022 wird Fröbel mit all seinen Facetten – als Freund der Natur, Vater des Kindergartens, Schulmann, als gläubiger und politischer Mensch, Teil der Moderne, Ideengeber für Deutschland und die Welt und Erfinder des Erziehungsberufes – erneut beleuchten. Vor allem aber blicken wir nach vorn und fragen, wo sich die Fröbelsche Philopophie im aktuellen Leben verstetigt hat und wo und wie sie darüber hinaus eine Rolle spielen kann und soll.

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Fröbel Places of Interest

Fröbel Room, Bad Blankenburg
The first General German Kindergarten was founded in the Bad Blankenburg Town Hall in 1840.

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