Friedrich Fröbel

Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel (1782–1852) is considered the father of the kindergarten movement. Fröbel received worldwide recognition through the grounding of the first kindergarten in Blankenburg in 1840. His intensive studies on childhood, personal development and education, as well as the practice of integrated early childhood education, show him to be a pioneer of reform pedagogy, an internationally regarded innovator and a tireless fighter for the rights of children to an education and a harmonious family life.

Fröbel’s musings on early childhood education are as much a reflection of the time in which he lived, as they are original and modern. His work continues to inspire pedagogic thinking today and in recent years, it has been increasingly referred to in academic literature. Led by his students, Fröbel’s work is enjoying worldwide recognition, especially in Austria, Japan, the USA, Korea and Russia. His educational resources modelled from the geometrical forms of sphere, cylinder and cube, and the building blocks that are created when the cube is divided, continue to be popular. Widely distributed, Fröbel kindergartens are defined by their encouragement of play and support of children in their attempts to experience and understand the world. Learn more about Friedrich Fröbel – his life and achievements, his early childhood education theory, as well as the current actuality of his philosophy.

Themenjahr 2022 - Fröbel heute

Fröbels pädagogische Leistung, für damalige Zeiten revolutionär, führte weltweit zu nachhaltigen Aktivitäten und weitreichenden Veränderungen der pädagogischen Praxis. Fröbel zählt damit zu den Klassikern der frühkindlichen Pädagogik und ist heute wieder hochaktuell.

Das Themenjahr 2022 wird Fröbel mit all seinen Facetten – als Freund der Natur, Vater des Kindergartens, Schulmann, als gläubiger und politischer Mensch, Teil der Moderne, Ideengeber für Deutschland und die Welt und Erfinder des Erziehungsberufes – erneut beleuchten. Vor allem aber blicken wir nach vorn und fragen, wo sich die Fröbelsche Philopophie im aktuellen Leben verstetigt hat und wo und wie sie darüber hinaus eine Rolle spielen kann und soll.

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Fröbel Places of Interest

Hotel Fröbelhof
Fröbel's first place of lodging in Bad Liebenstein was an estate which today houses the Hotel Fröbelhof.
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