Annual topic 2017

Fröbel, the Pedagogue

Friedrich Fröbel worked as a tutor and taught at the Pestalozzi Model School in Frankfurt am Main. His knowledge of natural sciences, which he earlier studied, and his experience as a teacher influenced his modern educational concepts, which he successfully put into practice during his teaching work.

Fröbel’s philosophy focused not only on early childhood education, for which he is best known, but also on school and vocational education. At heart, was a desire for an integrated, continuous and coordinated education, from pre-school through to tertiary level.

The first Fröbel educational facility was the “Allgemeine Deutsche Erziehungsanstalt” (General German Education Institute), which was established in 1816 in Griesheim, near Stadtilm, and moved in 1817 to Keilhau. A few years later, Fröbel publicised his concept of a Reform School in Helba, near Meiningen, with students from pre-school age to secondary and even tertiary level. Fröbel designated the planned institution as a polytechnic, by which he meant the connection of general education with technical knowledge. The institution was never realised.

In the themed year for 2017 - Fröbel, the Pedagogue - special focus will be placed on the grounding of the first Fröbel School – the “Allgemeine Deutsche Erziehungsanstalt” (General German Education Institute) - 200 years ago. The relevance and topicality of the Fröbel philosophy will also be discussed, as will current school and education debates.

Themenjahr 2022 - Fröbel heute

Fröbels pädagogische Leistung, für damalige Zeiten revolutionär, führte weltweit zu nachhaltigen Aktivitäten und weitreichenden Veränderungen der pädagogischen Praxis. Fröbel zählt damit zu den Klassikern der frühkindlichen Pädagogik und ist heute wieder hochaktuell.

Das Themenjahr 2022 wird Fröbel mit all seinen Facetten – als Freund der Natur, Vater des Kindergartens, Schulmann, als gläubiger und politischer Mensch, Teil der Moderne, Ideengeber für Deutschland und die Welt und Erfinder des Erziehungsberufes – erneut beleuchten. Vor allem aber blicken wir nach vorn und fragen, wo sich die Fröbelsche Philopophie im aktuellen Leben verstetigt hat und wo und wie sie darüber hinaus eine Rolle spielen kann und soll.

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Fröbel Places of Interest

Fröbel's Rest, Schweina
Today "Fröbel's Rest" is adorned by his original gravestone.

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